Saturday, January 30, 2010

Abandoned Homestead

Last Wednesday night, I joined the team from and had the opportunity to photography a couple of models around a 1859 blue stone cottage. It's been long abandoned and the sad thing is the wonderful government has acquired the land to build a freeway straight over this old cottage.

We had four models, Lauren Busacca, her cousin Daniel, Richard Connon and
Natasha Humble. The light was simply beautiful as the location and it gave me a chance to experiment with different ideas I had in my head. With Lauren having a more summer dress on I thought I would photograph her with a lot of backlight, blowing the colour and contrast and ending up with what I call a Country Road type feel to the images, light, airy and fun.

Natasha came all dress in bridal gown and veil so this was a good opportunity to hone my wedding style shots. If only you could shoot wedding images in these locations with perfect light all the time. I've photographed Natasha before but being a landscape photographer this location had me jumping. You just can't beat a great location with perfect afternoon light.

Later as the sun went down was the perfect time to find a location to use the setting sun. Being a old farm are there were some great machinery that had seen better days but it made a great spot for a bridal shot.

This workshop had no theme, except a great location, great models and great light. I enjoyed this, makes you think more about the images you want and helps to stir the creative juices inside, after all your not always going to have a mentor, tudor next to you all the time. My mate Shelton has taught me so much in such a short period of time, more than any book, video or the internet will teach you.

Well thats about it for now, more images can be seen on my facebook account

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